September 23, 2007

OOOO not thrilled!

I Loved the ball of the patchwork yarn when I bought it. how neat to have 3 different types of yarn in one ball. NOW, not so thrilled. I tried to do a simple drop stitch scarf with it. the eyelash and mohair yarn are so much thinner than the slubby yarn that it looks ridiculous. I am thinking of frogging it and doing it lengthwise instead, see if that helps. I just don't know. Maybe I should have just left it as a ball *sigh*.

Meanwhile I finished the soysilk and wool pouch, its just waiting to be felted. I kept going so that the top edge is blue, then I crocheted a cord to go with it as the drawstring that will be felted as well. I will post the before felting and after felting pics later.

September 22, 2007

I MUST be insane!

I can't make this ball of yarn scan right so this picture does it no justice at all.
It is a crazy bright ball of neon pink, purple, green and yellow wool blend yarn. (the pale pink you see in the picture is actually the neon pink in real life). I want to make mittens out of it. looking for a pattern and will probably need to buy a second ball.
I admit that I am almost ready to accept my yarn addiction as a fact. I was out with the kids on Thursday and we were walking PAST and HAD to stop in. I even left my dish of "Rum Black Cherry" ice cream in the hands of my 12 yr old outside to do it.
I will not admit the addiction...yet.

September 15, 2007


just requested 3 pattern books at the local library. Thank the yarn gods that libraries are all networked now a days. One book (charmed knits) is coming from a library 2 hours away. the other 2 books (Victorian knits today and a book of scarves and stoles) is coming from an hour away. No Idea when they will be in but once I get them I can scan the patterns I want to decide if I want to attempt them or not.

On another note, I want the gorgeous new rainbow wood modular needles they have at Knit Picks.

My birthday is the end of November guys......

MORE yarns

OK so here is the ribbon yarn from Dollar Tree. Its a dangerous thing to find funky fibers for $1 each. I picked this up in this black and gray, in a "rust" spectrum and rainbow. This is an attempt at a crocheted snood to go with my SCA garb. if this works I will pick up some pale yellow yarn somewhere and make one to match my new dress too.

It is all double crocheted stitches with increases to make it a flat circle It will be about 24" across when its done but will have an elastic band around the outside edge when its done. not sure if it will be floppy enough or not but its worth the attempt at least. if it does not work as a snood I will leave it as a flat circle for the center of my dining room table.

Here is a fun ball of wool I found. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it but whatever it is it will end up felted. probably another tube stitch dice bag.

This yarn I HAD to buy. It is called "Patchwork". It has 3 very different types of yarn. one is an eyelash type the next is a twisted wool and the 3rd is a fluffy wool. again No clue what I'm going to do with it but it looked cool.

I still have the Insane Chip Scarf to finish as well as a half granny square crocheted shawl. I also have the soy silk and wool rainbow dice pouch still on my needles.

I'm in finals week for this semester so I will have to greatly resist the urge to pick up a project instead of doing my schoolwork.

I still want to find the "Gathering of Lace" book so I can see if I should even consider attempting the Feather and fan lace circle shawl. I figure that a great project for if I am ever hospitalized again. its the only way I will have the time or the focus to finish it.

September 14, 2007

WOOT finished one!

OK it's the loopy scarf. Should look really cute with my funky fake fur "Betty Page" winter coat. Well once I replace the buttons that fell off of it last winter.

New suprises!

When a person states "I have craft projects I may NEVER finish" on a dating website profile, She shouldn't be surprised when she finds unfinished projects she forgot about.

While digging a sick cat out from under my bed I found a small plastic tote. Inside was the most GAWDAWFUL red heart variegated yarn. Rainbow colors...all of them. attached to that skein was a crochet hook and a mostly finished loopy scarf that was started 2 years ago. When goofy, brightly colored loopy scarves were trendy.

Best I can do for instructions are
Double crochet a Base that is 7 stitches wide and however long you want your scarf to be.
chain 10, sc around bar of DC chain 10... (continue ad nauseaum until the end of the scarf).

I guess you can make it loopier with more chains or tighter with less.

Here it is, I have about a foot left of a 5 ft long scarf.

Ok so variegated yarns and I seem to be attracted to each other like chocolate on a toddlers white t-shirt. Here is a standing dice bag made with Sugar and Cream cotton yarn. yes variegated but I like how the colors lined up on the bigger one lol. These were single crocheted in the round for friends of mine that had dice and gaming tokens and floppy bags that tipped over, i started by making a coaster and going straight up the sides with a DC row at the top and a chained string to hold it together. They look a bit like can coolies and i guess the pattern could be extended longer for a water bottle holder too.

That's it for now. Will post about the new ribbon yarn I found at Dollar Tree in another post (once I have a finished project to show it off).

August 28, 2007

Odds and Ends

When one has a fetish for odd things, one finds oneself with odd collections.

Recently it has been yarns. if its anything but worsted weight acrylic I have been fondling , trying and buying it lately.

Here is a lovely sparky multicolored eyelash/bobbly type yarn I found at DOLLAR TREE! yes $1 each. I have 3 different colors. Saw them at ALLmart for $2.50

This was my second serious yarn purchase. for me anything over $3 a ball/skein/hank is a serious issue. This I found at Yellow Dog Knits, think it was $9ish. its soysilk and wool, nice thick slubby yarn that does an awesome thing with the color as you knit, it does blocks and looks fantastic knitted and then felted into little pouches (see first post for its rainbow dyed cousin). I cant wait to try this one. It is pink burgundy and brown

This was my virgin hank of wool. Its a 100% baby merino hand dyed lace weight. it was purple. also found at Yellow Dog Knits. Its so wonderfully deliciously soft that I have no idea what to do with it to do it justice. currently being added as the edge color to an insane potato chip scarf (see last post for description)

Found this yarn at Goodwill for $1.25 each. you cant see it in the picture but they are flat strands with occasional looped sections, it has a line of zigzag stitches in a pastel variegated thread holding it together. it is the cousin to the lavender bobbly yarn in my scarf (post #2). I used the entire ball making this diagonal scarf. only 15 stitches across. I consider it more of a jewelery scarf than one for warmth but it was fun to make.

I have other new aquisitions that I will share, but not today :D

August 27, 2007

Some unintended results.

This was my first attempt at a "potato chip scarf"

Cast on 50,
R1 knit,
R2 Knit, Yo, Knit across, (100 sts)
R3 Knit,
R4 Knit, Yo, Knit across, (200 sts)
R5 Knit
R6 Knit, Yo, Knit across, (400 sts)
R7 Knit
R8 Knit, Yo, Knit across, (800 sts)
R9 knit
R10 cast off

Red heart variegated worsted weight yarn on size 10.5 needles (yes I like my 10.5 needles). came out too short and I didn't like the way the colors worked out in it so I frogged the whole thing. Used the yarn elsewhere. looks better mixed with a solid (see my first project scarf)

Tried this pattern with 100 sts to start and 6 doublings with lace weight yarn on my 10.5 needles, last 3 rows are taking forever. (100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200 sts).

OK so finding a new pattern and deciding you want to modify it to your own liking without any care about swatches and gauges and needle sizes leads to some interesting wastes of time.

I made this scarf and though it is laying there as a nice flat feather and fan pattern when you unpress it from between the scanner plate and lid it promptly curls up into a slightly wavy tube.

turned out nice, but not what I was going for.

BUT it was good practice for the pattern.

August 18, 2007

the knitting bug begins

Ok so last winter I looked at the POUNDS of cheap red heart yarn I had sitting around the house and decided I HAD to do something with it. I made a scarf for myself. kids tried to steal it so I made some for them too. 3 entire finished projects. Then I made matching hats on a round knitting loom, no pics of those though.

Super simple pattern
size 10.5 needles 40" round
4 colors red heart worsted weight yarn (you select) 1 verigated, 3 solid
Cast on 150 stitches using the 2 strands of 1 solid color strand of yarn (A) leaving at least an 8 inch tail (you wont be weaving this back in).
Knit 3 rows leaving 16 inches of unknit yarn at each end (this will become a fringe).
Drop one strand of the solid and add the verigated and color (A), leaving at least an 8 inch end. Knit 5 rows.
Change to color (B) and keep the verigated. Knit 5 rows again leaving the ends.
Change to color (C) and keep the verigated. knit 5 rows again leaving the ends.
Change back to 2 strands of a solid color (either (A) or (C). Knit 3 rows.
Change to the verigated and color (C), knit 5 rows.
Change to the verigated and color (B), knit 5 rows.
Change to color verigated adn color (A), knit 5 rows.
Drop verigated and use color (A) to knit 3 rows.
Cast off
39 rows total.
Over hand knot strands at ends for fringe.
this will give you about a 5 ft long scarf.
Heres what they look like.

This is camo colored verigated with beige, sage and black solids.

this is red white and blue verigated with red, blue and white solids.

This is mine. lavendar, sage and blue verigated. with cream, lavendar and white solids. The lavendar is a bobble yarn.

August 17, 2007

past obsessions

Well I know I have been a craft a holic for years. My basement full of boxes gleaned from Michaels, walmart and any fabric, bead, yarn or hobby stores in my path will attest to that fact.

currently I am working on a huge list of things some I might never finish

10 year table cloth, stamped cross stitch, been working on it for 13 years, 1/3rd finished

Train afghan, crochet, need to do 2 more rectangles at least, forgot what my counts were might just donate what I have done.

grannysquare baby blanket, crochet, ummmmmmm

Lace weight potato chip scarf, knitted, it was easy when I started with 150 stitches, but doubled every other row, its taking FOREVER to get the last row and cast off row done.(5th doubling).

Soysilk and wool dice bag. knitted. will be felted. my first finished attempt at this project got me a gem bag that was 4 inches wide and 3 inches deep, was supposed to be 4 inches wide and 6 inched deep.

I also have started collecting (almost obsessively) different odd types of yarns. so far I have 100% bamboo, soysilk and wool, a few types of wools (something I have never used before). and I still have 2 huge (maybe 3) of cheap red heart and such.

I will do my best to post here when Im working on stuff and when I finish it. for now here is the bamboo yarn dice bag (second strand is lace weight white acrylic yarn), and the mini gem bag felted.

This is the same yarn on my first experiment with it.

I will post some of my past projects later.