I moved a couple of months ago and in the process found an ungodly amount of craft supplies from silk flowers and raffia to all manner of fabric, ribbon and even a large collection of semi precious beads.
Among all of this were a few started and unfinished projects.
3 french memo boards, 1 complete, 1 needing only some apple green buttons, and one that needed some ribbons and buttons.
WOOT! Teacher gifts!!!.
These are killer easy.
*Pre stretched artists canvas. (purchased from Michaels)
*Staple gun and staples.
*quilt batting big enough to wrap to the back of the canvas.
*Fabric to cover front and wood on back of canvas.
*Matching ribbon, the smaller the canvas the thinner the ribbon.
*buttons for each intersection of ribbon. I needed 5 per board.
*Small bits of stabilizer for back of buttons (you can use smaller plain buttons, cardboard or squares of plastic canvas)

Put batting over canvas and then stretch fabric over the batting. Starting from the centers of the sides staple fabric to the inside edges of the wood frame. Fold the corners however it works for you and staple down (I kind of did a folded mitered corner, It won't really show).
Once all of the fabric is secured snugly around the frame, you start stapleing the ribbons across the front. Make an x, then a diamond, making sure you fold over the ends of the ribbon so it does not pull out.
Once the ribbons are on you need to sew buttons at the intersections. Use the stabilizers on the back or the ribbon could pull through.
I always add 2 extra lengths of ribbon stapled to the back as a way to hang the board from a hook. One each on a long and short side.
That's about it.
Oh and the Berrico snowflake kicked my butt one too many times. It is no more!
Found an easier pattern that starts in the middle and works it's way out instead. Not as fancy of a pattern, I can make up for it with pretty fibers instead.
Will post something about that later. I PROMISE!!!!!
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